Year 3 and year 4 got changed into their mudlarking boots, and then we went to the toilet. When the rain started to drizzle, we left our school, London Christian School. We made our way to Millennium Bridge while talking with our partners. We made our way over the lengthy bridge, while some of our classmates counted the chewing gum art etched between the cracks of the bridge. Once we got over the bridge, we made our way down some stairs and then sat down to eat our snack. There was a pillar with all of London’s history carved into it. Once we ate our snack, we looked down at the winding River Thames, waved at people on boats and they waved back.
Later, we trudged up the stairs leading to millennium bridge. By the bridge, two women, our mudlark guides, smiled at us and beckoned. We gathered around them and they told us about the tide of the river and sea. We learned that the tides were caused by the moon and looked at some things found by mudlarks like a pipe and piece of pottery. Then we walked down some stairs leading to the river bank itself. The guides told us we had two minutes to collect two objects. Nicolas, a student from year 4, found two bones resting on a hill of sand, pipes, pottery and pipes. After that, we had half an hour to mudlark for artefacts. Dhilan’s group found lots of pipes, so many that his group leader, the year 4 teacher Mrs Bright, prevented the group from collecting any more pipes. Lots of the groups found lots of bones, some of us found pottery and some of us found glazed terracotta. Nicolas’ group found two jawbones, one of which they lost and Dhilan’s group found some glazed terracotta and lots of pipes.
After half an hour of finding fascinating stuff, we started to sort the stuff into different categories. After that, we started to show the different materials we found. The rarest material we found was two pieces of leather. When we finished doing it we started to head up the steep steps. Once we got to the top, relieved we took off our gloves. We started to head back to school. Once we got there we started to eat our lunch.