"We help each child to achieve academic excellence and to grow in their unique personality."
Who are we A look inside LCS
“The Christian ethos underpinning and running through the school is clearly understood and appreciated by pupils who value the caring community to which they belong. Pupils showed that they are thoughtful and deeply respectful of other viewpoints and beliefs.”
ISI Inspection Report, December 2022
“The Christian ethos underpinning and running through the school is clearly understood and appreciated by pupils who value the caring community to which they belong.”
In Drama Club we have been learning about the production of “Stomp” and have been creating our own performances including music with brooms, bins, rulers, paper and cups! We even created a thunderstorm with our voices and bodies! As a summary,...
In Year 1 and 2 Eco Club, we have been thinking about how we can combine our love for our local green space, and our school value of service. As a result, when the weather has been good and not...
Our pupils are our greatest testament to the education we provide.
With a healthy mix of teacher input and independent learning, pupils are encouraged to express their creativity and understanding in a variety of different ways such as writing, speaking, art, music, dance, drama, sport and technology.
Christian ethos
We believe that every area of school life should be informed and distinctively shaped by our Christian foundation, and by an ethos that is kind, academically ambitious, full of co-curricular opportunities and which encourages each child to think for themselves and to serve others. Children of all faiths and none are warmly welcome.
Encourage and develop
From a non-selective intake we achieve the best results for your child to progress to their next choice of school.
We are not only about preparing for these assessments. We encourage excellent learning habits throughout each child’s school life. From the moment your child arrives, we aim to find out their strengths and gifts (academic or otherwise) and to encourage and develop these.